Author: BK Design Writing Support
Start the new year off right with a will or trust that protects your personal assets. The year-end holidays are the perfect time to reflect on things you want to do differently in the new year....
How to Protect Against Premises Liability Lawsuits
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The holidays are right around the corner, and many people plan to host guests in their homes as part of their celebrations. Any time you invite someone into your home, you open yourself up to...
My Personal Injury Lawyer Quit. Now What?
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Hiring a personal injury lawyer is a huge step for most people. They put faith in a legal expert who can help them recover damages for pain and suffering caused by someone else’s negligence. It...
How to Survive Thanksgiving Holiday Travel
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Many Americans look forward to a day of feasting on turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. What they may not enjoy is the travel required to spend the holiday with their loved ones....
What Happens if I Can’t Pay a Judgment?
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When defendants in a court case lose, they may find themselves on the receiving end of a court judgment that includes financial damages owed to the plaintiff. Usually, the courts include payment...
Warnings Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
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More than 1.5 million people live in nursing homes in the United States, according to official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With so many of the nation’s...
How to Handle a Deposition
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Fewer things in life can be scarier than receiving a Notice of Deposition. Attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants use them during the pre-trial discovery process to gather supporting...
Should You Join a Class-Action Lawsuit?
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Invitations to join a class action lawsuit show up in our mailboxes, our email inboxes, and sometimes even via texts to our mobile phones. Sometimes they are for products or services we remember...
Can My Lawyer Tell My Secrets?
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One of the scariest things about confiding in an attorney is wondering whether that information can come back to haunt you later. Even if you are the victim in a personal injury lawsuit or suing...
Suing for car damage from road construction
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New Mexico has five seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter, and road construction. Anyone who lives here or drives through the state frequently is familiar with the “orange cone” period. New Mexico...